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Empowering Business Leaders and Transforming 
them through our innovative and research based Coaching & Corporate Training programs with assured success

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What Leaders & Coaches are saying about out coaching programs
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Coaching by Dr.D at India Coaching Federation (ICF) has given me a bigger purpose in life which is much bigger than just doing job, thriving for success and earning money. After discovering my oneself; 1st time I experienced what is fulfilment and satisfaction in life. And how operating from your oneself you can create many possibilities in Life, career, business and relationhsip. 

—  Ravindra Hunashimarad, Business Leader at CITRIX R&D India Pvt. Ltd.


We help business leaders to discover their leadership within to transform their personality to further transform their decision making to take the organization to the next level of Growth and success and create future business leaders.

We empower global leaders and organisations by introducing them to the universe of abundance of Financial Freedom and Self Expression through our transformative research-based leadership development programmes and events.


Our global ecosystem, associates and partners are shaping the future and solving the two sole major problems everyone faces on this planet; which are MONEY and RELATIONSHIP.


Our experts have developed the framework to train and coach Leaders, where they can scientifically dismantle the obstacles in their life causing a barrier to achieve blissfulness.

Leadership Development Programs

Advance Leadership Development Program (ALDP)
icf coaching

This ALD program is designed for corporate executives, professionals and business leaders, who are willing to achieve their desired success and growth in their job, career and business.


We empower Cxo's & business leader to discover their leadership personality through our research based frame-work to transform and create their future career and become a successful CEO and business owner.

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 15 session of 02 hours each. Online over Zoom or in person
Women Leadership Development Program - WLDP
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The WLDP is specially designed for Women professional, executives and business leaders who wants to grow in their career and become a CxO or who wants to re-start their corporate career after some break or explore the possibility to become a business owner and entrepreneur.


In spite of being more capable and qualified; around 80% of females are not able to grow up to a leadership position in the organization because of managing the expectation in life, career, business, family and relationships.

we help you discover the art of managing the expectation in life and succeed in career through our research based program with 

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 10 session of 02 hours each. Online over Zoom or in person
Empower Your Career Program - EYCP
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Your career is the long term profession of your passion; unless you discover your passion how you can create a fulfilling career?

Your certification & qualification makes your eligible for various Job positions in corporates but you need to take the control of creating your own career.


We help corporate executives, Cxo's & business leaders to discover their passion and then equip them with leadership capabilities to transform their career to become a successful business leader & execution expert to lead global businesses and grow them profitable

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 10 session of 02 hours each. Online over Zoom or in person
Empower Your Business Program - EYBP
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Managing business is the passion of an entrepreneur and business owner to take their business to the next level of growth and profitability.

Unless you are an empower and transform person; you cannot transform your business and career as business leader.

We empower business owners, leaders, organisations and startups with skills, mindset and network to undertake the biggest challenges of their business and life. See how you can empower yours.

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 10 session of 02 hours each. Online over Zoom or in person
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Empower Your Life Program - EYLP

In humans life there cannot be any bigger propose in life other than knowing and discovering the Life itself.

We empower human beings to rediscover your real personality through our research based human design frame-work. Once you discover your personality, your oneself, who am I? then you have the power of wisdom to create a fulfilling life and experience the limitless possibilities to build a better world you live in.

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 10 session of 02 hours each. Online over Zoom or in person
Discover your Oneself “Who am I”?
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If you are ready to “Know your thyself” Who am I? Then this research based training program is for you to explore the possibility as you.

As a human being there is only one thing, we all should know and after knowing that we do required to know anything else in our life. That one thing is to know your oneself.

For the 1st time in the history of universe we have developed a research based frame-work through which we will be able to help you discover your Oneself.

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 20 hours, 10 session of 02 hours each. Online over Zoom
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Discover your Passion

Without discovering your passion; you cannot create a fulfilling career.


Whatever you are doing in your life, if the purpose is to earn money. You are doing a Job, irrespective whether you are working for others or self-employed. Many people have confusion, understanding the difference between their hobby, attraction and passion. The most challenging part is to discover passion. Unless you discover your real personality, your who am I and oneself; you cannot discover your passion. Here we help you discover your Passion through a research based scientific process.

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 02 session of 5 hours each, (total 10 hours). Online over Zoom
Experiencing the Bliss 
best business coach in Banglore

Success is not the Bliss

If you are a successful person with your position, profile and the money you earn from your job, career, business or profession. It is not necessary that you are a happy, satisfied, fulfilled and a blissful person.

Your wealth and financial freedom can only help you having the temporary comfort in your life where you can acquire and enjoy all luxuries and live with comfort.

For the 1st time in the history of universe we have created a research-based framework where we help you to discover and “Experience the real Bliss” in your life and re-create the opportunity to experiencing bliss in whatever you do in your life, job, career, business and relationship

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 02 session of 5 hours each, (total 10 hours). Online over Zoom
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