Research has proven that; it is not the smartest person in the team, But the Joy of collaborative teamwork delivers the best result for any organization to become a successful organization where people want to work and create their future. And it will never be possible without empowering and transforming people working in the organization. It is the people and their team efforts that help any organization become great organizations.
A great leader always believes in creating such a work-culture where everyone in the team feels involved, empowered & respected.
In a healthy team people will be competing with each other at individual level, but always winning at team level. More than Trust & Respect; A team is a group of people responsible for each other to achieve the common goal of the organization, in spite of having some differences in individual opinion and trust.
And to build a great team, a leader must understand the concept of human design and how people work and behave in a team. This is the place where employees and Leadership coaching comes into picture.
A well designed employee and leadership coaching program has shown tremendous results in the organization who had implemented this and created a coaching work-culture.
The organization where our Universal Coaching Federation (UCF) is engaged in leadership coaching, our coaches had researched and acknowledges more than 120% improvement in the self-awareness of the leader helping them better understand their strength, weakness, skills and competencies and how better they can utilized their wisdom to produce better result for themself and the organization. This improvement in self-awareness had further impacted self-confidence of the employees in the organization which improved their confidence by almost 85% post their coaching program in taking the decisions and implementing them in the business. Our coaches observed around 75% improvement in interpersonal and communication skill as far as the clarity of communication is concerned in the team and around 80% improvement in better managing the relationship with the team, peers, superiors and subordinates to deliver the expected result in time for the organization. This also improved the overall individual performance of the leaders coached by us by around 70% which has reflected in the function, team and department level performance improvement in the organization.
The leadership and employee coaching had a significant impact in the over all performance of the organization in terms of Topline, bottom-line and cash-flow improvement which we will discuss in our follow-up blog and research.
Nowadays, more and more organizations are understanding the importance of employee and leadership coaching and the massive benefits produced by coaching. When employees are coached personally, they feel supported, involved, empowered & respected and they become more confident and productive for the organization. There’s a sense of team spirit, belongingness and there is an exponential rise in their overall productivity.
Detailing some of the reasons; why every growing organization is looking forward to coaching their employees and business leaders.
01. Self Awareness and Empowerment: Discovering and Understanding your oneself is key for the success of all employees in any organization. This helps employees to discover their strengths & capabilities to empower & transform their focus, confidence & performance in the organization. A well structured business and leadership coaching helps employees to know more about themselves to perform better and help organizations achieve their goals.
02 Transformed Leadership Capabilities: Here business leaders and CXO are coached to transform their leadership capabilities to take the organization to the next level of growth & Profitability. By mastering the art of delegation, employee retention, employee engagement & constructive feedback. A well structured leadership coaching program practically prepares business leaders to operate and take decisions from wisdom.
03. Communication Effectiveness: Communication has nothing to do with the language and oratory capability of an individual. If you have it is better, but the more important thing about the communication in business organizations is where you are able to convey your business objective, mission, vision and plan to the last person in the organization and have their commitment in getting the things done. In communication effectiveness coaching we train and empower employees with things like speaking up in meetings, presentations, business writing, influencing, are of negotiation and building connections
04. Career Growth: Through our leadership coaching we help employees and business leader to create a road map for their career growth in the organization where Coaching helps employees to discover & plan where to invest themselves in reskilling, upskilling and guides them to identify next new role in the organization and create a roadmap for their career growth by empowering their brand & leadership
05. Peak Performance Management: Peak performing employees are agile, high performers, effective problem solving & prospective future leaders & every organization wants to retain them. Peak performance coaching helps those employees to master goal setting through Self-awareness to create their leadership road map within the company.
Research shows that employees who thrive with coaching “lead teams that are 31% more productive, 1.2 times more resilient and 22% more satisfied with their jobs. When an organization invests in coaching their employees; employees feel happy and better motivated to work smarter for the organization. There's a 30-50% rise in employee retention rates with a strong coaching culture.
Hope you have a better understanding of some most important aspects of business and leadership coaching in an organization. When an organization invests in coaching the employees, it improves the overall performance by 40-50% easily. 95% of organizations with strong coaching cultures report a higher revenue than other similar companies.
Nowadays, more and more organizations are understanding the importance of coaching in the workplace. Every employee is an asset to the company and coaching them just creates a massive impact to it. Individuals take decisions from your acquired personality. And hence they need to dismantle and transform all their strength to create wisdom to further transform their decision making skills.
At Universal coaching Federation (UCF), we have created a research based scientifically designed frame-work where we dismantle and transform the strengths and weaknesses to transform the personality and decision making where they can become a better version of themselves and help resolve all the problems and challenges in their life, job, career, business & relationship.
All our Coaching and Coach Certification Programs are designed and structured on the basis of this research and we are able to create many remarkable impacts in the life, career and relationship of the people we coach.
For more details you can visit our website www.universalcoachingfederation.org or request a demo session for one-to-one coaching session. Do write to us if you are looking for an answer or solution to any problem you are experiencing.