Leadership is not the paid position of employment; It is the passion of the person to take the organization to the next level of Growth and create future business leaders.
Leadership is the intrinsic capability of a human being to be a leader and remain leader in all situations and circumstances. Yes, the difficult situations take the real examination and it gives you the opportunity to prove that you are a true leader and situations do not impact your capability.
In order to discover this passion of being a leader it is very important to discover your leadership capability to become a successful Business leader and CXO in any global organization.
India coaching federation (ICF) coaches are able to help many business leaders to not only discover their leadership potential but to enhance their leadership capability to become CXO in many leading organization.
Leaders with structured coaching support have shown significant skill and capability improvement where:
They are able to transform their decision making capability by more than 30% compare to the leaders how are not coached.
We have noticed around 35% improvement in their problem solving capability after having coaching. and
Around 20% enhance capability in managing risk and failure in the organizations they work and manage.

If your are a leader and looking for a leadership coach, we have many success stories you can see at India Coaching Federation (ICF). We can further help creating a strong coaching culture in your organization to take your organization to the next level of growth and success.
Following are the 7 Skill & Competencies which can help you becoming a corporate business leader & CXO
🚀 . It helped me becoming Global CFO 💰
1. Asking question: Asking relevant question 🤔 from people you work with is very important. It helps understand things more clearly & deliver expected result. Ask question from your boss & subordinates too.
2. Effective Communication: Clear & effective communication can only deliver the result not your English ability. It should be formal, understandable & action oriented 💡
3. Relationship ❤️ with people: It does not matter what you know, it only matter do you know who can deliver the result as per expectation.
4. Influencing capability: the only way to influence people in corporate is to resolve their challenges and add value in their professional and personal life.
5. Resolving challenges and Business Problems: Most of the people in corporate have various challenges and problems relating to their Job, Career, Life and relationship 🥰. Be the person who can resolve those challenges.
6. Disrupting business Risks and Failures: very important to have a Successful career, without taking risk there is no reward.
7. Organizations Culture: most of the time this is defined as corporate Politics, be the part of the culture which is aligned with the vision & mission of the organization
Which #skills & #competencies you lack?
Appreciate all your responses and we will be happy to answer your question and help.
Empower & transform yourself with India Coaching Federation (ICF)
Without empowering a person, it is impossible to transform and resolve their challenges in their Life, career and business they are managing.
And if you’re looking to invest in yourself and in your employees to maximise their potential, you need to think beyond Training to Coaching & Learning.
Coaching is an investment in yourself and your people. And when your people grow, develop, and transform, so does your organization. Tap into the full potential of your workforce with India Coaching Federation (ICF). We can help bring your organizational performance to the next level by specialised coaching session.