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You cannot define leadership

Writer's picture: Dr. Dhirendra GautamDr. Dhirendra Gautam

Updated: Jun 15, 2024

You cannot define leadership; the person in that role defines it better.

Being on a Leadership position can be a privilege; but being a leader is never a privilege, it is a responsibility where being a leader, you have the opportunity to empower people and create many possibilities in their life, career and business.

By assuming leadership role and position; people who believe that it is their privilege and have the power to influence the decision and resource of the organization / country, they misuse their power being at that leadership position. Every country in this world has many examples of such leaders.

“Leadership is a possibility to add value in the life of people and resolve their challenges and empower them to become future leaders”

No one follows a leader because of their Title, position and profile. But when you inspire people with your wisdom to transform the humanity without any differentiation, People start following.

“Each and every individual have their own built-in leadership capability and it does not require any fancy position, profile and job title to prove”

The leader who operates from a positional standpoint creates a work-culture of fear, dissatisfaction and flunkeyism.

“Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. As a leader, respect is never given; it is earned”

True Leaders do not create followers:

✅ But when they assumed the responsibility to empower millions of people to resolve their life, career and business challenges. People start following.

✅ When they have inspired people with their wisdom to transform the humanity without any differentiation. People start following.

✅ When they create a work-culture which creates many opportunities to nourish and grow future leaders. People start following

Being a responsible Leader, you have the opportunity to create a work-culture and environment to encourage team-work and people participation where every individual feels a Sense of belonging, collaboration and commitment.

Do write, if you are inspire to become a Leader or inspiring people to become future leaders. Share your stories to me and would love to have a meaningful interaction with you.

I am Dr. Dhirendra Gautam, a life & business doctor and leadership Coach; I Empower people to transform their Life, career, business & relationship challenges and introduce then to the world of love and abundance. Do visit our website to find my wisdom I share with mankind.

Hope you have enjoyed reading this, do share your thought and queries; if you have any. You can also share your challenges relating to your life, career and business with us and we would love to help you resolve your challenges.

What is next ?

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